BISO Analytics

Empower Your Security with BISO Cyber Analytics


Unified Dashboard to map business risk with Cyber Risk

BISO Analytics stands out as the pioneering security analytics platform designed to assist enterprises in effectively handling their first-party, third-party, and emerging risks, all within a single platform. This comprehensive solution facilitates a quicker and safer progression for your business.

By adopting a groundbreaking approach, BISO Analytics integrates open, data-centric cyber risk management practices, offering organizations a consolidated view of their cyber risk landscape across the entire attack surface. BISO Analytics empowers CXO, mid-management, and operational teams with real-time, reliable, and defensible data that not only complies with regulatory standards but also aligns with the expectations of the board regarding safeguarding shareholder value and fortifying the business.

Furthermore, BISO Analytics becomes an invaluable partner to CXO, boards, mid-management, and operational teams by enabling them to efficiently navigate and mitigate cyber risks associated with digital expansion initiatives.

Solution Highlights

Unified Cyber Risk Visibility

  • Shift from fragmented, static cybersecurity risk visibility to empowering informed risk management decisions with real-time, holistic views and automated data collection.
  • Unified interface to assess first-party, third-party, and emerging risks dynamically by streamlining risk management and reducing manual efforts.
  • Continuously updated database with industry-specific data breaches, enhancing context for businesses’ control and risk exposure landscapes.
  • Personalized dashboard options to align with individual preferences, allowing different stakeholders to prioritize relevant information based on their roles.
  • It enables you to generate instant reports that meet regulatory standards, ensuring reliability and meeting regulatory requirements efficiently.
  • We understand the diverse needs of roles like the board, CXO’s, and engineers, so we allow tailoring cyber risk reporting for effective decision-making.

Effective Reporting and Communication

Risk Based Prioritization

  • Eliminate the need for multiple spreadsheets or dashboards, preventing critical alert oversights.
  • Automate data collection for cyber risk control coverage, capability, and reliability, reducing manual efforts and biases.
  • Assign higher importance to critical controls; visualize this prioritization through multiple analytical dashboards.
  • Assist you in justifying cybersecurity expenditures and obtaining budget approvals.
  • Allows you to track cybersecurity progress over time and generate a risk score considering the risk landscape and control effectiveness.
  • Provides actionable recommendations and prioritized risk treatment options, enabling you to enhance cyber control maturity and optimize ROI.

Budget and Strategy planning

Multiple Data Inputs

Our product is designed for simplicity and ease of use, seamlessly integrating with 50+ platforms and available as Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions.

Why Choose BISO Cyber Analytics?


Achieve Real-time Cyber Risk Visibility


Excel in Cyber Risk Reporting for Board Communication


Justify Cybersecurity Budgets and Future Investments


Prioritize Operations Based on Control Effectiveness

Get Ahead of Threats

Don’t wait for threats to become breaches. Stay proactive with BISO Cyber Analytics and take your business security to the next level.

Key Features

Advance AI Algorithms

Harness the power of artificial intelligence to identify evolving threats.

Custom Dashboards

Tailor your dashboard to focus on what matters most to your business.

Incident Response

Rapidly respond to security incidents with built-in incident response tools.

User Behavior Analysis

Identify abnormal user behaviors indicative of potential threats.

BISO Cyber Analytics has transformed our security posture. Its advanced analytics have saved us from multiple threats.
Paul Allen
CISO - A Leading Software Development Firm
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